29 Jun

For that manicured looking lawn, cutting the grass with a cylinder mower is the best way of getting that famous stripy finish.

But like everything it does not come straight away, there will be some work to be done on your lawn to get it as you would like it, over the years it has been a tendency for people to buy cheap mowers that do not collect the grass clippings, thinking that they just rot away by the next cut, the truth of the matter is that those uncollected clipping become thatch and encourages moss on top of the earth on your lawn, stopping water and nutrients getting to your grass.

And of course somebody like me comes along and you request me to cut the grass with a cylinder mower, I do try and explain that its not a good idea to cut it so short straight away and the garden should be dethatched first and allowed to recover for about six weeks with a bi-weekly service that cuts the grass a little shorter every time, so you do not land with a lawn that looks like this picture below:

It takes time and two to three visits for scaryfying the lawn for removing moss and dead grass from surface of the soil, where the moss has taken hold and the de-thatching is deep, seeding and top dressing will be required with the aim of getting the lawn to its best the following season. Looking to get your lawn looking like the picture below:

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